so excited. :) The dad actually hovered around the kitchen all night and was usually the first one to sample the cookies. It was fun to see them all so excited about this new treat. For the bake off, Stefanie and I decided on making my personal favorite and specialty--no bake cookies. It was also convenient because we didn't have to fight for the oven. Maggie made chocolate chip cookies, Lisa and Ashley whipped out some delicious snickerdoodles, and Cam and Ty astounded us all with the most amazing peanut butter cookies I have ever had and some pretty great chocolate chip ones.'s what happened after we'd all had a few too many. This was a Saturday night, and all through church the next day I was on a ridiculous sugar high. This was unfortunately accompanied by a massive sugar headache. Not extremely pleasant, but dang those cookies were good. :) So rest assured everybody, we are doing our best, making sacrificing and coming together to make sure we don't forget who we are, where we come from, and the important values that our country embraces. Cookies basically sum all of that up.
wow ali. I didn't know that cookie bake off meant so much to you. I was pretty satisfied with the cookies your mom mailed to me :) But I was not about to turn down those great Otatara creations either...
Happy St. Patricks Day! I guess it's the 17th there and you may read this later today. Give my lass a pinch for me in case she doesn't happen to be rememberin' the wearin' o' the green! (We're Irish, you know!) You make me want to load my duffel with bags of cookies, but alas there is just no room!
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