I really do consider New Zealand a form of paradise. I spend just about every other day on the beach, my schooling involves surfing, tramping, kayaking and the occasional paper. I even take tests on the beach. This post is for all of you who might be getting a little
too jealous of me. Just because I spend all of my time outside, does not mean that it is always sunny and warm and beautiful. Well, I take it back, it's always beautiful. For example, the other day they drove us to the beach to go surfing and I looked at them like they were crazy (and they are). I was standing on the sand, wind blowing me every which direction, watching the waves beat down on the beach in my thermals, three shirts, fleece and beanie. "You guys want us to get in the water?" I stammered, disbelieving. That is exactly what they wanted us to do--and that's what we did! Don't get me wrong, it was totally worth it! The things we do here...

This particular picture was taken Sunday. Luckily, we got a ride to church in the morning because it was pouring. By the time we got home, the rain had stopped but it was FREEZING!! I spent the afternoon huddled as close to the heater in the living room as I could be. I kept coming back to the room intermittently to add more layers. PS- I was STILL cold even with all of this on. I even sat and ate dinner in this smashing outfit--complete with the hood. I am sporting my newest kiwi purchase--striped thermals! Not only are they the most comfortable things I have ever worn--they're STRIPED! :)
The bottom line is, for all of you reading my blog wishing you were me here in paradise, you can keep on wishing because it's amazing! BUT--don't forget that here on this little island, summer is winding down and fall is starting up! Besides, how hard core would I be if I never got cold doing any of this cool stuff?
1 comment:
Haha...it's so true! Sunday was the coldest day of my life! Layer after layer, and then crawling into my bed with every avaliable blanket was still not enough to get me warm after my bike ride home from church! But life is still great.
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