Remember how I have to bike to church? Hopefully you all got a chance to see the picture of Stefanie and I in our Sunday biking outfits; church shoes, gym shorts and a backpack. Every Sunday, we sit in our room and pack our backpacks full of the things we need for church; a pen, notebook, scriptures, Joseph Smith manual and the all-important skirt. Every week, I almost forget my skirt. As I run through my mental checklist, I realize that I don’t have it and hurry and put it in my bag. Just last week, Stefanie and I mused on the way to church what would happen if one of us actually forgot our skirt one week. We both decided that it would just be too bad, and we would just sit through church in gym shorts and church shoes. Little did I know, that just one week later, I would have the opportunity to put my resolution to the test. That’s right--I forgot my skirt. And I realized this within feet of the church building. I didn’t have time to go back and get it anyway. Stefanie and I had a good laugh about it, but then I just resolved to go through the awkward experience of being inappropriately dressed for sacrament meeting. However I forgot in my flustered state, that I AM THE PIANIST!! Not only did I have to sit through sacrament meeting in gym shorts, but I had to sit in front of the entire congregation and play the piano. It was quite the experience. At least I sort of matched. Most people told me they didn’t even notice until I said something. So, all in all, it wasn’t that terrible of an experience but it was inevitable I suppose--the last Sunday in Invercargill, I do what I’d threatened to do every Sunday since arriving here--I forget my skirt.
Also on Sunday, I said goodbye to my favorite pair of jeans. They have been so good to me but the crotch is ripping, and there is a hole in the pocket that is beyond repair and slowly spreading down the whole leg. I decided I didn't want to tow my delapidated jeans back home so...I ripped them up! There's a video too but here's a picture of the aftermath. Sad, right?
1 comment:
oh dear...your favorite ones! nice work on the destruction however.
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